
Year 4



In Year 4 students study a range of different texts including traditional Asian, Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander stories, 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl, a range of poems, 'Tom Appleby Convict Boy' by Jackie French, Rowan of Rin by Emily Rodda and a range of advertisements. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of audiences.

Students create their own texts and use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They show understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas.      
They demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a range of resources and use accurate spelling and punctuation, re-reading and editing their work to improve meaning.

At Loganholme State, an emphasis is placed on developing successful readers. In all subject areas, students will be exposed to a range of texts including narratives, procedures, performances, reports, reviews, poetry and expositions. Through these texts students will describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different texts. They fluently read texts that include varied sentence structures, unfamiliar vocabulary including multisyllabic words. They express preferences for particular types of texts, and respond to others' viewpoints. They listen for and share for key points in discussions.

The supporting your child's reading in Year 4 document produced by the Reading Centre has very useful information to help support you with reading at home with your child. 


At Loganholme State School Grade 4 students become Maths Ninjas through learning their times tables. Through this they recall multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and related division facts. They are then able to apply this and choose appropriate strategies for calculations involving multiplication and division. They describe number patterns resulting from multiplication. They continue number sequences involving multiples of single digit numbers.
In Grade 4 students explore fractions and decimals and develop many skills and understandings including recognising common equivalent fractions in familiar contexts and making connections between fraction and decimal notations up to two decimal places. Students will also locate fractions on a number line.

Students identify and explain strategies for finding unknown quantities in number sentences. They use the properties of odd and even numbers. Students solve simple purchasing problems.

Students compare areas of regular and irregular shapes using informal units. They solve problems involving time duration. They interpret information contained in maps. Students identify dependent and independent events. They describe different methods for data collection and representation, and evaluate their effectiveness.

Students use scaled instruments to measure temperatures, lengths, shapes and objects. They convert between units of time. Students create symmetrical shapes and patterns. They classify angles in relation to a right angle. Students list the probabilities of everyday events. They construct data displays from given or collected data.​

Last reviewed 07 February 2025
Last updated 07 February 2025