This year, we've partnered with The Resilience Project to create a positive wellbeing culture within our school and the wider community. The Resilience Project is an evidence-based personal development program for both students and teachers, focusing on the G.E.M. framework—Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, and Emotional Literacy.
Every two weeks, we will share updates with families through our newsletter and Facebook to keep everyone informed about the program and how it's being implemented across the school.
Supporting your child’s mental health works best when we collaborate and practise together. That’s why we’re excited to offer parents and carers year-round access to the Inspire Parent/Carer Hub. This online resource is designed to keep families engaged with the program, offering valuable information on the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, and Emotional Literacy, as well as the benefits of regularly practising these skills. The Hub also includes activities that families can do at home to support wellbeing.

Why The Resilience Project?
The Resilience Project’s School Partnership Program has been independently evaluated by both The University of Adelaide and The University of Melbourne. Click the links or scan the QR code to find out more about the impact the program has on emotional wellbeing and behavioral changes.
What Can Be Done at Home?
We had a very successful parent launch evening in 2025, and to learn more about The Resilience Project and get involved from home, you can start exploring the ideas, activities and resources which bring Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM) to life on TRP@HOME.