Open communication between parents and staff creates positive relationships based on trust and shared responsibility for your child’s learning. Two way communication is an important aspect of our school’s interaction with the community.
The school needs to inform parents about school events and about the progress of your child. Knowing what goes on in your child’s school and figuring out the best way to communicate with the school staff can assist you to be effective in supporting your child.
Sharing information
Events in family life such as a major illness, visits of significant relatives, accidents, and the death of close relatives, friends or pets can cause major concern or change in the behaviour of your child. Please share this information with your child’s teacher so that they may best support your child if needed.
Raising concerns
From time to time, parents may have a concern arising from matters that occur in the school. We believe these concerns are best addressed in the school within our 'open communication' policy. The following procedure should be followed:
If it concerns a class issue:
- Arrange a mutually convenient interview time with your child’s teacher.
- Clarify issues involved in the concern at the beginning of the meeting (or prior to the meeting if possible).
Share available information about the issue.
- Give the teacher an opportunity to tell all he / she knows of the issue.
- Take steps to resolve the concern (even if a resolution does not occur they may be a useful exchange of information).
- If not resolved, then an appointment should be made with the Principal or Deputy Principal within that area of responsibility. Parents are requested to follow the protocol, as it is important that concerns are raised as early as possible so that the escalation of difficulties may be prevented. This procedure allows a calm approach where satisfactory resolutions result in win/win situations.
Parent information night
At the beginning of each year teachers provide an information night to meet the parents of their students and to inform them of the curriculum for the year and class procedures. Information about these sessions is via a note home. The purpose of this night is to provide information and is not a one-on-one interview opportunity. Should parents require individual time to discuss issues with their child’s teacher, they are free to make an appointment for an alternative time.
School reports
A comprehensive program of written and oral reporting is in place:
- Parent/teacher interviews are offered twice yearly – once in semester 1 and once in semester 2.
- End of semester written report twice yearly. Written reports will be sent home to parents at the beginning of term 3 and at the end of term 4.
- Parent/teacher contact over issues of mutual concern is strongly encouraged. Appointments need to be made at a mutually convenient time to allow teachers adequate preparation time, especially before school.
Most teachers provide parents with their school email address at the parent information night at the beginning of the year. The policy for use of email is that teachers will respond to the email within two working days. Any urgent communication should be forwarded through the school office. Any email enquiries can be directed to:
eNews – electronic newsletter
Loganholme State School School offers you interactive, full colour electronic newsletters emailed direct to your email address. It contains important information with regard to school matters and is the major means of communication between the school and home.
How do you sign up?
To receive our electronic newsletter via email, simply subscribe to our newsletter by completing the online form. Australian Newsletter Services has made the signup process automated and only takes a few minutes when prompts are followed. Your email address will only be used to send out our school eNews.
Information updates
Class letter and information notes are written on specific topics and will go home at different times through the year. Please ensure your child understands the importance of passing these notes to you.
Celebration of Learning
All parents are invited to join us for our Celebration of Learning (assembly) each fortnight (odd weeks) for information, performances and the awarding of certificates for students. The assemblies are held every odd Monday at 1:45pm in Kingfisher Hall.